"Preservice Teachers and Music Integration" by Jennifer Potter Gee


The purpose of this study was to examine California preservice teachers’ experiences and beliefs with music and music integration in elementary school settings. Preservice elementary teachers (N = 149), currently pursuing a Liberal Studies degree at one of several universities in California, consisted of the participants in this investigation. Results indicated participants agreed that an elementary classroom teaching should integrate content from music class into other subjects, while also reflecting a significant association between participants’ year in school and their agreement that an elementary general music teacher should integrate other subject area content. Results also indicated a significant association between participants’ year in school and their agreement that an elementary general classroom teacher should be capable of teaching music; however, they agreed that music should be taught by a certified music educator. Participants also ranked helping students develop self-esteem or confidence and building social skills as the most important outcomes of an elementary general music classroom, while also strongly agreeing that music supports academic achievement in other subject areas.
