Published Works
Publications from 2023
Benchmarking Lossless Still Image Codecs: Perspectives on Selected Compression Standards From 1992 Through 2022, Michael J. Bennett
Dataset to Benchmarking Lossless Still Image Codecs: Perspectives on Selected Compression Standards From 1992 Through 2022, Michael J. Bennett
A Bibliometric and Content Analysis of Marketing-Finance Interface Research from 1986–2021, Qijia Liao, Le Yang, and Edward Junhao Lim
Book Review: Data Cartels: The Companies That Control and Monopolize Our Information, Edward Junhao Lim
Cited Data (Say So Much): A case study on what data sources our business researchers are citing, Edward Junhao Lim and Jiebei Luo
Library Can’t Buy You (All The) Data: What data sources are our business researchers citing?, Edward Junhao Lim and Jiebei Luo
Publications from 2022
The Old and the Prudish: an Examination of Sex, Sexuality, and Queerness in Library of Congress Classification, Tiffany Henry, Rhonda Kauffman, and Anastasia Chiu
Liaison Year One Redux: A Snapshot of The Academic Business Librarian Professional Development Landscape, Edward Junhao Lim
Publications from 2021
The Humane Job Search: Recommendations for Academic Library Search Committees, Hilary Kraus and Rachel Baum
Publications from 2020
Automating 35mm Photographic Film Digitization: X-Y Table Capture System Design and Assessment, Michael J. Bennett
Data set to Automating 35mm Photographic Film Digitization: X-Y Table Capture System Design and Assessment, Michael J. Bennett
Examining the Geometric and Visual Details of High Resolution 3D Lithics, Michael J. Bennett
Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Justice in Library Technical Services, Rhonda Kauffman and Martina S. Anderson
Publications from 2018
Dataset to Assessing the Potential Use of High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) and High Efficiency Image File Format (HEIF) in Archival Still Images., Michael J. Bennett
Puerto Rico’s Archival Traditions in a Colonial Context, Marisol Ramos and Joel A. Blanco
Publications from 2017
ILLiad, Rapid, and an Unmediated Solution to the Interlibrary Loan Textbook Dilemma, Erika McNeil
Creating Spaces for Innovation in the Workplace, Michael Rodriguez
Publications from 2016
Research Support Study: Agriculture; University of Connecticut Local Report, Carolyn V. Mills and Sharon Giovenale
Leave Your “Expert” Hat at the Door: Embracing Critical Pedagogy to Create a Community of Librarian Learners, Marisol Ramos, Jennifer Snow, Sharon Giovenale, Kathleen Labadorf, and Dawn Cadogan
Technology Triage: Assessing and Managing Library Systems and Projects, Michael Rodriguez
Publications from 2015
Evaluating the Creation and Preservation Challenges of Photogrammetry-based 3D Models, Michael J. Bennett
The End of Things, Michael J. Bennett
Publications from 2014
LibX: The Small but Mighty Button for E-Resource Discovery and Access, Galadriel Chilton and Joelle Thomas
Publications from 2013
Regional Campus Learning Commons: Assessing to Meet Student Needs, Nancy H. Dryden and Shelley Goldstein
Regional campus learning commons: assessing to meet student needs, Nancy H. Dryden and Shelley Goldstein
""A Suitable Soloist for My Piano Concerto": Teresa Carreño As a Promoter of Edvard Grieg's Music." Notes. 70.1 (2013): 37-58., Anna E. Kijas
A Visible Job to Do: Some thoughts on opportunities for libraries concerning academic professional metrics, David Lowe
Publications from 2012
Optimized Still Image Batch Processing of Special Collections Bound Monographs and Manuscripts Using DNG, JPEG 2000, and Embedded XMP Metadata, Michael J. Bennett
Responses to the 11/4/11 OSTP Data RFI, David Lowe
Rearranging Library Collections: a New App, Norman D. Stevens
Publications from 2011
Installing Archivematica v0.7 On A Custom-Sized Xubuntu v10.04.2 Virtual Machine Hosted in VirtualBox v4.0.4, Michael J. Bennett
Installing and Evaluating Audit Control Environment’s (ACE) Audit Manager v1.6, Michael J. Bennett
Utilizing LibQUAL+® to Identify Best Practices in Academic Research Library Website Design, Raynna Bowlby, Brinley Franklin, and Carolyn A. Lin
Abstract to the Presentation: Recent Work on Archival Color Spaces, Robert Buckley, Steven T. Puglia, Michael Stelmach, F. Barry Wheeler, Michael J. Bennett, and Lei He
Surviving to Thriving: Advancing the Institutional Mission, Brinley Franklin
Dataset for: Accurate Color? A Preliminary Investigation into the Color Gamut of Selected Special Collection Library Objects, F. Barry Wheeler and Michael J. Bennett
Accurate Color? A Preliminary Investigation into the Color Gamut of Selected Special Collection Library Objects, F. Barry Wheeler and Michael J. Bennett
Publications from 2010
Digital Asset Management (DAM) Planning/Implementation Survey (8/1/10 - 8/31/10), Michael J. Bennett
Raw as Archival Still Image Format: A Consideration, Michael J. Bennett and F. Barry Wheeler
Learning Commons: Addressing the Needs of Commuter Regional Campuses, Nancy H. Dryden and Shelley G. Roseman
Organizational and Strategic Alignment for Academic Libraries, Brinley Franklin
Learning Commons @ UConn Assessment Report: Use and Satisfaction of the Learning Commons, Kate Fuller
Determining Optimal Storage Arrangements for Open Access Data Sets, as for NSF Data Management Plan Requirements, David B. Lowe
Striving for Excellence: Organizational Climate Matters, Shelley Phipps, Brinley Franklin, and Shikha Sharma
Publications from 2009
Aligning Library Strategy and Structure With the Campus Academic Plan: A Case Study, Brinley Franklin
A Status Report on JPEG 2000 Implementation for Still Images: The UConn Survey, David Lowe and Michael J. Bennett
Digital Project Staff Survey of JPEG 2000 Implementation in Libraries, David Lowe and Michael J. Bennett
Access to Cultural Property and Heritage: Ethical and Moral Considerations in Archives, Marisol Ramos
Publications from 2008
The Reference Interview: Theories and Practice, Stephanie Willen Brown
Review of the book, Library Assessment in Higher Education by Joseph R. Matthews, Brinley Franklin
Assessing the Value and Impact of Digital Content, Brinley Franklin and Terry Plum
Citation Searching: Search Smarter & Find More, Chelsea Hammond and Stephanie Willen Brown
Publications from 2007
Digital repository implementation: a toolbox for streamlined success, Michael J. Bennett
OPAC Design Enhancements and Their Effects on Circulation and Resource Sharing within the Library Consortium Environment, Michael J. Bennett
The Adjunct Life, Stephanie Willen Brown
Tackling Copyright in the Digital Age: An Initiative of the University of Connecticut Libraries, Barbara Oakley, Betsy Pittman, and Tracey E. Rudnick
Publications from 2006
A Comparison of OpenURL Link Resolvers: the Results of a University of Connecticut Libraries Environmental Scan, Jill Livingston, Deborah Sanford, and David Bretthauer
Publications from 2005
All Alone, Without Money, No Language--Just Yiddish": An Immigrant's Letters from Missouri to Galicia, Nicholas Eshelman
The Fully Electronic Library; the Swedish Project, Norman D. Stevens
Publications from 2004
Developing an Agriculture-Related Digital Project, Jonathan Nabe
“Myeo: the First Library Cat”, Norman D. Stevens
Publications from 2003
Organizational Assessment: An Academic Library Case Study , Brinley Franklin
Food Safety in the Biotech Era, Jonathan Nabe
Publications from 2002
Test, Edit, Repeat: Steps to Improve Your Web Site., Stephanie Willen Brown
Publications from 2001
A Brief Meeting with Mr. Eliot, Michael J. Bennett
Open Source Software: A History, David Bretthauer
Publications from 2000
Shifting Compass, Michael J. Bennett
Slaughter, Massachusetts, Michael J. Bennett
Publications from 1999
Jack O’Connell, The Myth of Quinsigamond, Michael J. Bennett
Publications from 1998
The Ghost in the Stacks, Michael J. Bennett
Publications from 1997
Winimisset, Michael J. Bennett
Water, Sugar, and Power: Irrigation in Southern Puerto Rico during the Late Nineteenth Century, Marisol Ramos
Publications from 1996
Dancing with the Spirit of Pamola, Michael J. Bennett
Icewhispers, Michael J. Bennett