Date of Completion


Embargo Period



Janet Barnes-Farrell, Eric Loken

Field of Study

Psychological Sciences


Master of Science

Open Access

Open Access


At least seventy percent of employees report experiencing an incivility incident in recent years (Cortina, 2008), and incivility has been linked to negative outcomes, such as stress and turnover (Beattie & Griffin, 2014). The current study applies Lazarus and Folkman’s (1984) transactional model of stress to examine predictors of incivility targets’ patterns of appraisal and coping. In particular, I propose that the frequency with which incivility occurs, resilience, and work contexts, such as organizational justice and civility norms, can influence the target’s appraisals and coping. Additionally, incivility research has utilized different time frames to examine incivility and predictors (Cortina, Kabat-Farr, Magley, and Nelson, 2017). What has yet to be illuminated is whether these different methods of examining incivility provide different understandings of appraisal and coping and the predictive ability of predictors. I examined these relationships utilizing archival data that were collected from healthcare professionals working in correctional institutions in the northeastern United States. In particular, I examined a daily diary sample of 43 healthcare workers across ten days. Utilizing k-mean clustering (Hartigan, 1975), I found two similar profiles across 2- and 3- cluster solutions. I also examined a retrospective sample of 124 healthcare workers from the same population. I found two profiles similar to those found in the daily diary data in both the 2- and 3- cluster solutions. Only through examining the third profiles in the 3-cluster solutions did I begin to find differences within the profiles for the two different methodologies. Predictors of these profiles were not supported. Implications and future directions will be discussed.

Major Advisor

Vicki Magley
