Document Type



Environmental Studies | Other Economics | Population Biology


Key findings

  • There was relatively strong support for slot limits, and roughly comparable support for status quo management, among anglers fishing for Tautog in Long Island Sound.
  • Respondents were not in favor of a total moratorium on fishing for Tautog.
  • Providing survey respondents information on how different management scenarios will affect fishing in the future had little detectable impact on fishing preferences.
  • Respondents expected to fish less in the future if a wide slot limit is imposed or if status quo management is maintained, but expected no change in effort if a narrow slot limit is imposed.
  • Changes in regulations are likely to cause an increase in noncompliance, to the extent that 10%-20% of anglers may retain fish outside of a harvest slot or smaller than an increased minimum size limit.
  • Six groups with distinctive preferences and demographic features can be identified among respondents. These include a class that prefers status quo management (the largest group consisting of 29% of respondents), three classes of slot supporters (together representing 45%), one that favors an early season (11.7%), and one that prefers a larger minimum size (14%).
