A Study of Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Instructional Practices During and After Implementation of Advanced Primary Mathematics Curriculum

Date of Completion

January 2011


Education, Mathematics|Education, Pedagogy|Education, Educational Psychology




This mixed-methods study investigated teachers' pedagogical content knowledge and instructional practices during and after the implementation of advanced, grades 1 and 2, geometry and measurement units as a result of participating in the Project M²: Mentoring Young Mathematicians research study. Hierarchical Linear Modeling was used to determine whether relationships existed between students' mathematics achievement in geometry and measurement and teachers' pedagogical content knowledge for teaching mathematics (PCK-M) and their use of specific instructional practices. Results indicated the teacher PCK-M for geometry and measurement was a significant predictor of student mathematics achievement scores in grade 2 (n = 12), but not in grade 1 (n = 12). Teachers' implementation scores for the verbal communication and encouraging mathematical language instructional practices were also found to be statistically significant predictors of student mathematics achievement. A sample of teachers (n = 6) that participated in the Project M² research study participated in an observation and interview and completed an instructional practices questionnaire. It was determined that each of these teachers continued to use at least two of the instructional practices which they were introduced to during the Project M² study. The teachers attributed their continued use of the instructional practices to successful experiences with students, the utility of the instructional practices, and the support they received to continue the implementation of the instructional practices. ^
