"Sharpening the Focus of Political Will to Address Achievement Disparit" by Miguel Angel Cardona

Sharpening the Focus of Political Will to Address Achievement Disparities

Date of Completion

January 2011


Education, Leadership|Education, Policy|Education, Administration|Political Science, General




The sharpening of political will to address achievement disparities between English Language Learner (ELL) and non-ELL students is examined from four different perspectives: (a) instructional leadership, (b) professional learning, (c) policy implementation, and (d) social justice leadership. Literature in these four areas is compared to current practices in MidCity, a mid-sized diverse urban district. The analysis of MidCity from these four perspectives provides a basis for recommendations on how to sharpen the focus of political will among educational leaders to lessen achievement disparities between ELL and non-ELL students. ^ Recommendations include (a) improving the instructional and social justice leadership among administrators; (b) creating coalitions with community leaders; (c) increasing teacher and parent input in the decision-making process; (d) improving opportunities for teachers' professional learning; and (e) auditing policy implementation practices systematically to ensure that they are equitable for all students. ^
