Date of Completion


Embargo Period



Black male college students, Anti-deficit, Community Cultural Wealth, Learning Community, Microaggressions, Formal and Informal Support Structures.

Major Advisor

Casey Cobb

Associate Advisor

Suzanne Wilson

Associate Advisor

Joseph Cooper

Field of Study

Learning, Leadership, and Education Policy


Doctor of Philosophy

Open Access

Open Access



Black males encounter significant microaggressions and race related challenges as students in Predominantly White Institutions. These encounters negatively impact their college learning and social experiences. In the face of these challenges, college retention rate of Black males falls behind those of other racial and gender groups (Toldson, 2012). Notwithstanding, statistics point to the success and persistence of Black male students in such oppressive environments. Using an Anti-deficit lens and Community Cultural Wealthy framework, this qualitative study explores the learning and social experiences of eight Black males living in a same race same gender learning community while attending a PWI. In addition, it inquires whether participation in formal and informal support structures influences the social and learning experiences of the Black male students. Findings from this study highlight social factors including peer and cultural inclusiveness, belongingness and mentoring relationships as contributing to the success, persistence and retention of Black male college students.

Keywords: Black male college students, Anti-deficit, Community Cultural Wealth, Learning Community, Microaggressions, Formal and Informal Support Structures.