Date of Completion


Embargo Period



quantitative learning centers, peer tutoring, undergraduate mathematics education

Major Advisor

Fabiana Cardetti

Associate Advisor

Suzanne Wilson

Associate Advisor

Álvaro Lozano-Robledo

Field of Study



Doctor of Philosophy

Open Access

Open Access


Quantitative learning centers (QLCs) have emerged on undergraduate around the globe in an attempt to provide necessary support to students enrolled in undergraduate courses that address quantitative literacy. QLCs often provide support through peer tutoring to students in mathematics or related courses. Since QLCs are prevalent on undergraduate campuses and have the potential to impact students from diverse backgrounds and disciplines, it is pertinent that we understand their effects on the learning experience. In the existing literature, QLCs are shown to have an overall positive impact on students both academically and affectively, however studies rarely investigate the needs of the students visiting or what is happening at the QLC that stimulate this positive impact. Thus, this dissertation seeks to address these two areas. Using a mixed methods research design that includes observations of tutoring sessions, interviews with tutors and students, and surveys of students, this study addresses the following three research questions. First, what are the mathematical needs of the students that visit the QLC in the tutors’ and the students’ perspectives? Second, what explanations or tutoring strategies help the students to understand the mathematical topics they are seeking help with in the tutors’ and the students’ perspectives? Third, how do the students’ views about the first two questions compare to the views of students enrolled in mathematics courses who do not visit the QLC? The results of this study provide insights into how support can be enhanced not only within QLCs but also across undergraduate mathematics education more broadly.