

What does it mean to be a pedagogue? To become part and contributor to pedagogical processes? In this article I look back at the work Frank Abrahams developed around the legacy of Brazilian educator Paulo Freire and its efforts fomenting conditions for critical pedagogies to flourish. Following Freire’s interest in connecting reality and theory, I construct a narrative from the word (Freire’s, Abrahams’ and mine) onto the world, highlighting in particular, the impact conceptual framing can have on programmatic development. As I see it, and experienced first-hand, the focus and nature of Abrahams’ work has always been pedagogical, highly conscious of the practical possibilities of one’s utterances and engaged with the politics of policy and making their enactment possible. The article thus foregrounds the on-the-ground consequences of critical pedagogy and the challenge of pushing limit-situations in music education and music teacher education.
