Date of Completion

Spring 5-1-2020

Thesis Advisor(s)

Dr. Kristina Wagstrom, Dr. Jeffrey McCutcheon

Honors Major

Chemical Engineering


Other Chemical Engineering


There is a need to analyze particulate matter concentrations at the Stamford Transportation Center according to the Western Connecticut Coalition of Governments. Stamford has recently undergone rapid urbanization and large scale construction resulting in traffic congestion. Congested traffic areas in urban centers are key contributors to poor air quality. Therefore, there is a need to analyze the pollution concentrations at the bus stops near the station. Every day, hundreds of shuttles and cars idle around the Transportation Center. Thousands of passengers wait at nearby bus stops every day and can potentially be exposed to high amounts of vehicle produced pollution due to their close proximity to the road. In order to collect data, the monitor will be deployed for a two week period each season and then retrieved to analyze its data. The objective of this study is to determine the relative airborne particulate matter concentrations at the Stamford Transportation Center and compare this data to the surrounding area. It was found that the winter run had the highest particulate matter concentration readings, but overall, the average readings at the Stamford Transportation Center are lower than or very close to the surrounding area.
