Date of Completion


Embargo Period



Carol Atkinson-Palombo, John Ivan

Field of Study

Civil Engineering


Master of Science

Open Access

Campus Access


This study aims to assess the changes in the physical characteristics of the land use and transportation, known as the urban infrastructure, since 1950 with respect to the municipal parking ordinances. The characteristics of buildings and parking facilities, measured in six American cities, served as the empirical data with which the assessment was conducted. This analysis revealed a divergence in the policies shaping American cities, occurring after 1980. While some cities increased the amount of land dedicated to parking and displaced land for activities, other cities that experienced little to no change in the amount of land dedicated to parking managed to significantly increase the activities. To compensate for the activity displacement, cities built upward. Travel behavior and demographic information was used to assess the impact of these changes. The findings revealed that cities with an automobile share greater than 70% increased the land dedicated to transportation more rapidly.

Major Advisor

Norman Garrick
