
Honors Scholar Theses from 2017

Synthesis of Epoxy-Coated Silica Nanoparticles for Effective Protein Conjugation, Jared R. Furtado


The Optimization of the Microwave Synthesis and Subsequent Characterization of Sodium Tungsten Bronze (NaxWO3) Materials, Jessica Murdzek

Honors Scholar Theses from 2015


Green Chemistry as a Tool for Understanding the Toxic Substances Control Act: A Lecture Module for Undergraduate Students, Molly R. Blessing


Synthesis, Characterization, and Catalytic Applications of Porous Transition-Metal Oxide Systems for the Conversion of Biomass, Anton Gudz


Methodology Development in Green Chemistry: Oxoammonium Salt Oxidations and Fluoroform Incorporation, Rebecca J. Wiles

Honors Scholar Theses from 2012


Mechanistic Studies and Optimization of Microwave-Assisted Palladium-Catalyzed Carbon-Carbon Bond Forming Reactions and an Academic Prospective on “Quality by Design”, Neha K. Grewal


Synthesis, Characterization, and Photocatalytic Testing of Titania-Based Aerogels for the Degradation of Volatile Organic Compounds, Dayton Thomas Horvath

Honors Scholar Theses from 2011


Selective Oxidations of Alcohols and Indoles Using the Oxammonium Cation, Joseph Qiu

Honors Scholar Theses from 2010


Microwave Spectroscopy and Structures of Several Substituted Acetylenes and Fluorocarbons, Joseph A. Fournier

Honors Scholar Theses from 2009


Methyl Septanoside Hydrolysis as a Measure of Carbohydrate Ring Flexibility: Substrate Synthesis and Kinetics Analysis, Shawn Michael Miller